Yazılı anlatıların performatif, görsel ve basılı karşılıkları üzerine çalışan Zeynep Yılmaz’ın bakışı gündelik meselelerin baş rol oyuncu olma potansiyeline odaklanır. Şiirle kurduğu ilişki dilin işitsel ve bağlamsal kullanımları üzerinedir. Pratiği, kendini içinde bulduğu veya içine yerleştirdiği zaman-mekana dair hisleri yakalayıp onları yeniden temsil etmek üzere uygun koşulları oluşturma girişimleridir. Bir eylem olan yazıyı, hali hazırda varolanı olduğu gibi işlemek ve yine de eylem sırasında varolana yapılabilecek müdahalelerle birlikte sunmak için bir araç olarak kullanır. Böylece eylemsellik, hareket halinde katedilen yolda ortaya çıkacak imgeleri önceler. Otobiyografik anlatının, kurgunun, alaycılığın ve gerçekçiliğin kesişim noktalarını araştırarak üretim sürecini metinlere, performanslara, eşlikçi yayın ve yerleştirmelere dönüştürür. Bağlamlararası kurulan karşılaştırmalı düşünce yapılarındaki hiyerarşiyi açık etme, yıkma ve yeniden yapılandırma halini pratik eder.
Working on the performative, visual and printed equivalents of written narratives, Zeynep Yılmaz’s stance focuses on uncovering the potential of everyday issues to play the leading role. Her relationship to poetry is based on the auditory and the contextual usages of language. Her practice is an attempt at re-representing the feelings that have occurred at a given time and space, by means of anticipating and creating the appropriate conditions for them to reoccur. She uses writing-as-action as a tool to process that which already exists, and to present it with possible itireations that come to her during the very action. The motion therefore precedes the imagery that emerges on the path traversed in motion. She transforms her production process into texts, performances, accompanying publications and installations by investigating the intersections of autobiography, fiction, irony and realism. She practices the state of revealing, destroying and restructuring the hierarchy in comparative thought structures established between contexts.
Working on the performative, visual and printed equivalents of written narratives, Zeynep Yılmaz’s stance focuses on uncovering the potential of everyday issues to play the leading role. Her relationship to poetry is based on the auditory and the contextual usages of language. Her practice is an attempt at re-representing the feelings that have occurred at a given time and space, by means of anticipating and creating the appropriate conditions for them to reoccur. She uses writing-as-action as a tool to process that which already exists, and to present it with possible itireations that come to her during the very action. The motion therefore precedes the imagery that emerges on the path traversed in motion. She transforms her production process into texts, performances, accompanying publications and installations by investigating the intersections of autobiography, fiction, irony and realism. She practices the state of revealing, destroying and restructuring the hierarchy in comparative thought structures established between contexts.
2024 8th term resident, SAHA Studio, İstanbul, TR
2019-2021 BA Leiden University Arts, Media and Society
& Minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies
2024 COPYWRITER, 5533, İstanbul, TR
2024 durun anlatayım, 400x118, İstanbul, TR
2022 Decent writers don’t feed the narrative, Snacks Amsterdam, NL
2022 Devir-Teslim, De Perzen carpet store, The Hague, NL
group & performance programs
2024 Urban Acoustic Speculations, arthereistanbul & Aberdeen University, İstanbul, TR
2023 Chills & Quills, Büyük Valide Han, İstanbul, TR
2023 inanınca göreceğim, Büyükada, İstanbul, TR
2023 aspace isa space is a space, Lab23 The Hague, NL
2023 Tip of The Tongue, Garage Gallery Prague, CZ
2022 Flipchart at Instrument Inventors, iii, The Hague, NL
2022 Filling the Void with The Spectrum Space, The Grey Space in the Middle, NL