*The below text was written for and read on the street at the occasion of a solo show at Snacks Amsterdam.


Decent writers don’t feed into the narrative because decency requires a complete lack of projection of one’s own feelings, desires and fears.

Decent writers work in utmost precision to maintain high levels of integrity and respect towards their subject matter in avoiding any report of grip, push, or pull.

Decent writers don’t read intentions and they under any circumstance should not fill in the gaps.

Decent writers must not engage in writing about occurences or projections of occurences that do not represent the reality.

Decent writers do not write for themselves but for those they need forgiveness and liberation from, never revenge.

Decent writers put in the effort to believe in God, for partly why they know they shouldn’t feed a narrative that will eventually remain insignificant in the face of a larger one.

Decent writers are concerned with paying tributes and having confessionals, yet they must at all costs hesitate to make things about themselves, and practice high levels of motherly selflessness.

Decent writers may forget why they are doing as such to begin with, and in these moments of doubt, they must not abandon the task at hand on seeking decency. And if they have been doing it right, accordingly, the decent writer may one day undergo a deeply affecting manic episode, as a result of which decency may loose its function and meaning. 

The decent writer must then commit to the next steps and mannerism required by their intuitive drive for the continuation of their integrity.

The decent writer in that case must dedicate the rest of their life to seeking the highest potential of the self and in turn help others to do so.