SAHA Studio 8. dönem / 8th term
24 dakika 17 saniyelik ses / video deneme. Gri boya.
Audio / video essay for 24 minutes and 17 seconds. Grey paint.

Dokümentasyon / documentation: Kayhan Kaygusuz, Duru Dinç

10 bölümden oluşan video-deneme, imgesini herhangi bir görsel eşlikçi olmadan kurar. Ekranın varlığına rağmen 24 dakika 17 saniye süren ses kayıtlarının ritmik altyazılandırılması dışında seyirciye bir figürasyon sunmaz. İmgelerin anlatısı görselleşmesine rağmen, imgelerin kurulumu karanlık bir ekran seyredilerek gerçekleşir, soyutlanır ve hayal edilir. Metni oluşturan bölümler, birbirinden bağımsız bağlamların, olayların ve kavramların zihin akışını taklit etme hevesiyle ard arda dizilen anlatılarıdır. Metnin potansiyelini günümüzün dominant görsel tüketim kültürünün tekrardan dışında çekmeyi ister ve kendini okutmak için videolaştırılmamış olmayı diler.
The video-essay, consisting of 10 chapters, constructs its imagery without any visual accompaniment. Despite the presence of the screen, it does not offer any figuration to the audience other than the rhythmic subtitling of the audio that lasts 24 minutes and 17 seconds. Although the narration of the images is somewhat visualized, the formation of the images is realized by watching a dark screen, through abstraction and imagination. The chapters that make up the text are narratives of independent contexts, events and concepts, lining up one after the other, with the eagerness to imitate the flow of mind. The video-essay wants to relocate and dissassociate text outside today's dominant visual consumption culture and wishes that it had not been turned into a video in order to be read.
The video-essay, consisting of 10 chapters, constructs its imagery without any visual accompaniment. Despite the presence of the screen, it does not offer any figuration to the audience other than the rhythmic subtitling of the audio that lasts 24 minutes and 17 seconds. Although the narration of the images is somewhat visualized, the formation of the images is realized by watching a dark screen, through abstraction and imagination. The chapters that make up the text are narratives of independent contexts, events and concepts, lining up one after the other, with the eagerness to imitate the flow of mind. The video-essay wants to relocate and dissassociate text outside today's dominant visual consumption culture and wishes that it had not been turned into a video in order to be read.